Yesterday I got up, fed Monty, checked email, started laundry, fed Monty again, gave Monty a bath, put Monty down for a nap, did more laundry, picked up living room, cleaned kitchen, Monty woke up from nap waaayyyy to early, put Monty in stroller and took dog for a long walk, came back, put Monty on the floor surrounded by toys, tried to take pictures of Monty's teeth but didn't have any luck. did more laundry, Monty cried, read Monty three books, played with Monty, went to do more laundry, Monty cried, picked Monty up and put him in his high chair, gave Monty graham crackers, made peach-banana baby food, oops did I really feed Monty two whole graham crackers?, I hope he eats dinner, Monty ate dinner - fat boy still ate two servings of baby food, cleaned Monty up, sat down with Monty and fed him a bottle, put Monty in crib with hopes of him falling asleep on his own, portioned out baby food and put in freezer, check in on Monty - still not sleeping (but not crying either so I'll take it), went back to doing laundry, looked at clock - CRAP - 5 o'clock, started dinner, made a large salad and spaghetti, Monty never went to sleep, grab Monty and put him in living room to play, ate dinner, washed dishes, sat down, Monty cried - "what time is it?" - it's 7:30 pm, kept Monty up till 8:00 pm, gave Monty his goodnight bottle and put him to bed early since he decided not to take any naps today, watched movie, went to bed.......
Anyone else have a day similar to this?
Well, I got so sleepy reading this that I had to take a nap half way through :)