I wouldn't trade any of it for anything though. Monty is turning into a great little man that makes my heart smile everyday. He is an amazingly happy baby that gives love constantly to anyone who crosses his path.
But enough about the mushy stuff......and on to the "I can't believe she just said that" stuff.
I am sad to admit that I am no longer breastfeeding. I honestly wanted to breastfeed for 12 months, but it just wasn't in the cards. I started feeding Monty baby food around 4 months and almost instantly I got my period - BIG BUMMER! It was down hill from there. My body started changing is all sorts of ways, and soon I was struggling to keep up. So from there I went to get me some good ole' fashion birth control and find my long lost friend - the pill. From there I learned that if I went on "the pill" that I would dry up completely. Now, this might not be the case for everyone because I take a special kind of pill that is not breastfeeding friendly, but due to other circumstances/health issues I was forced to take this very special pill. BIGGER BUMMER! So there I was - torn. What should I do? We are not ready for baby #2 yet, and I am allergic to latex which means no condoms, and let's be honest......the "natural method"? Well that's just not going to work either. So, at Monty's 6 month mark I stopped breastfeeding. I honestly miss it, and feel sad about not being able to breastfeed any more. I'm still not 100% okay with how things turned out, but Monty is still doing really well and hasn't shown any signs of "missing it". And its SUPER hard to remember to take the pill now....anyone else have this problem?
This Next Part is Rated - R!
Onto some good news! Sex is GREAT once again!!!
You may ask yourself....why in the world is she writing about this? I'm writing about this because this is something that I think a lot of women struggle with after having a baby, but very few actually talk about. I want all new mom's out there to know that I went through this and it's 100% normal.
After Monty was born, I went uphill and downhill a lot about some bedroom issues. Breastfeeding dries a women up, and it just wasn't a pleasant experience. I tried everything I could think of, but it just was not the same as before. There were times where I thought....what have I done? is this really what it's going to be like for the rest of my life? is it a mental problem? is this a health issue I should consult a doctor about? I dreaded doing it - because, I'll just be honest here, it hurt! There I was on the rickety edge of not having any good sex for over a year. But the day after my first period ended - I was a brand new women! I had a sex drive again, everything was back in its original working order, and it was/is something that I look forward to - no matter how tired or baby-puked on I might be. Life is good again. Or should I say? Sex is good again :-)
Rated PG-13 Again!
My Body. Ugh. It will never be the same again. I'll never get my old hips back, or my narrow little butt :-( I haven't given up ALL hope on my body though. I think if I dig deep under about an inch of the remaining baby fat I accumulated, there is a lot of potential. I originally had a lot of willpower to lose all the baby weight and get back into shape. That was brought to a halt once summer got here and it was tooooo hot to go on my long walks or do anything that required breathing outdoors. I do have big plans of toning up and slimming down in the fall. I'm back down to my original weight which is a great sign. All I have left is to tighten up all the areas that got a little soft over the last year or so.
Sick. I have never been so sick in my entire life. I was sick for months when I was pregnant. Then had a couple of really bad spells right after I had Monty, and now I'm battling a summer cold! I don't think I've ever had a summer cold before. Hopefully I'm past getting sick though, and the rest will be smooth sailing from here......that is until we decide to have another baby. (and no, it's not going to be soon people). Having a baby really takes a toll on the human body.
Well folks I think that's it! I'll be posting about Montgomery's six month check up soon and will hopefully have some great pictures to show you!
I think 6 months is great! But, I can understand feeling disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're back to normal in the bedroom. It actually took me a year to recover because I tore so badly with Caleb. I kept going to my OB about it and he said the only thing he could do was some kind of surgery and that made no sense to me. I thought that would just make it worse. But, eventually everything went back to normal.
I think you might actually be surprised at how your body will continue to recover. Don't wait too long though thinking it's hard on your body because you'll get into great shape and then the next one's going to ruin it anyway. Might as well have them all now and then recover for good :)