
March 16, 2010

Monty is One Month Old

Wow, has time gone by fast! It seems like just yesterday I was at the doctor's praying I was closer to giving birth. Oh, how I'd go back to that time just so I could sleep through the night again. I do love having Monty around though. He has grown up so much in this last month.

Right now he is going through a major growth spurt, and is currently 10 lbs. 2.5 oz. (naked of course), and is 22.5 inches long! He smiles a lot now. If I call him a "happy baby" or "sweet baby" he'll usually give me a crooked smile, with a dimple. That is getting really fun. He is also more aware of his surroundings - I noticed today that he follows me with his eyes when I walk by. He will also turn his head if he hears something.

Monty is getting really good at holding his head up, and spends a lot of time on his belly and his side. He can roll over from his belly to his back, but still hasn't mastered rolling from his back to his belly. His new favorite thing is to kick his legs and swings his arms in an uncontrollable manor. Another trademark of his is sleeping with both arms above his head. It's impossible to swaddle him (he even gets out of the ones that velcro) because he always has to have his arms out.

Here are a ton of pictures, all of which have been taken since he turned one month old, four days ago.

A Picture of him flailing his arms.

Tummy time.

Naked Baby!

I'm about to fall over mom!

Here you can see his baby acne :-(

Look at his tongue sticking out! Isn't that funny?

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