
March 16, 2010

My Night Owl That Likes to Sleep In.

Monty, Monty, Monty....

Oh, how my boy likes to stay up late, and then sleep all morning long! I've been trying to introduce a bedtime routine, but no matter how hard I try - he will not fall asleep for longer then 30 minutes to an hour at a time before 11:00 pm. If I put him down around 8, he'll be up constantly until 11. If I let him stay up, and put him to bed at 11, he'll go right to sleep.

Another thing I've been starting is putting him in his crib when he is sleepy, but not fully asleep so that he can fall asleep on his own. It actually works about 50% of the time. I'm really hoping that he'll get used to it, so that in the future putting him to bed will be easier.

My only solution to this......sleep in with him! We did it successfully yesterday and I offically got out of bed at 11:30!! How awesome is that? I usually get up in the morning and clean, start laundry, take my shower, eat breakfast etc. But I finally decided that I was going to sleep right along with him and I'm so glad I did. I felt like a brand new person.

Other then his late nights, he usually sleeps pretty well. The first time he goes down he'll stay asleep anywhere from 4-6 hours, then usually gives me 3.5 hour spurts after that until about noon.

I thought this shirt was fitting


And now I'm going to cry.

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