While at the park today, Monty found the wildlife very amusing. That is, until the Goose started hissing at him...we left soon after. |
Playing in our backyard...we really need to mow our grass, lol. |
This just gives you a small idea of how HUGE Phoebe has gotten. And only 5 months old, what will we do? |
Playing by the old steps in front of our house. He really enjoys cleaning them off because it involves picking up and throwing all the leaves and sticks. |
Isn't he handsome? |
I planted some Romaine and Head Lettuce, while Monty really doesn't care, I'm happy with the turn out so far! |
And finally! He is walking...Yay Monty! |
Going for a long distance here! |
Enjoying the nice weather at the park |
And now I'll take the time to do a short 13-month update. He is currently 32 inches tall. Has now associated Walmart with balls and bananas, and continuously ask for them the entire time we are there. That leads me to his vocabulary. He really does well (of course I have nothing to compare this to) with talking. To add to his earlier list, he can now say: tankyou (thankyou), nana's (bananas) and hi (to everyone). He doesn't really ramble much, like a lot of babies. He usually "talks" with a purpose and gets frustrated if you don't understand. He will point and ask for food, by finding the item and saying "more". Which seems to work well for both of us. I'm currently working on the phrase "more, please" but hasn't said it yet. I'm sure he will soon though.
He has started testing his boundaries lately. Which I'm assuming most kids do around this age. Just this evening he had his first real fit. I found it comical because it was over some frozen chicken breast that he wanted that I was attempting to prepare for dinner. (and by no means was he terribly hungry because he just had FIVE quaker rice snacks and a bowl of applesauce). But he had decided that frozen chicken breast was what he really needed and when he didn't get them he preceeded to throw his entire body on the kitchen floor and scream bloody murder. I simply said "get over it" stepped over him and headed to the living room to facebook about it, lol. It took him at least five minutes to realize I was gone before the fit started to come to an end.
Thanks for checking in, and I will try to post more often.
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