Right now is a tough time for him. I think he is teething, and he is in that phase where he gets frustrated if he can't get a toy or something out of reach that he wants. He is right around the corner from crawling which is both terrifying and exciting at the same time and has started to roll over.
Most of the time he is ALL smiles, ALL the time though - which makes my job as "mom" a lot easier. He also has a special talent that allows him to go straight from laughing to crying without taking a breath.
I've started feeding him solid foods even though its a little early. He is doing really well eating with a spoon and I think he is more satisfied. This last week I've been feeding him home made banana-apple baby food twice a day and he absolutely loves it. To be honest he can't get enough of it, and is usually upset when he runs out of food. The only way to keep him from crying after it's all gone is to give him the spoon and let him chew on it for a little bit. He has also taken up the habit of sucking on his bib after eating because it taste like his food. My little boy waste nothing.
I'm slightly torn about his eating. He eats sooo much already, but I also know that if I let him he would eat twice as much. It's an art form in our house if you can get Monty to "not cry" after taking an empty bottle away or putting the bowl in the sink. I am in no way depriving him of food, but he sure makes me feel that way after each meal. He either drinks 8 ounces as a meal or eats half a cereal bowl of baby food - I just don't know where he puts it. I shiver when I think about how much he would eat if I didn't "cut-him-off".
He is getting really big! I haven't had a chance to weigh or measure him lately, but he is already in size 6-9 month clothes, and a lot of his 6 month outfits are getting too short.
He loves it when you sing to him, and singing has become my crutch when I need to get something done or need to get him to stop crying. Whatever he is doing, he'll just stop and stare at me with a smile on my face. What's his favorite song? The ABC's. I sing it all the time, and it drives my husband nuts. But, if it gets Monty to stop crying then that's all that matters to me :-) I've also started singing Mamamamamama......and it makes him smile so I'm hoping he might try to mimic me in the coming months and actually say "MaMa".
Monty's other favorite thing is chewing on his toes and feet! They are always in his mouth! I find it really cute and can't help but smile every time I look over and see him sucking on his big toe. Yesterday he even grabbed his foot in the bath and started biting it. I grabbed the camera and was able to get these pictures of him playing in the bath.
Love the pictures! Ana loves to be sung to also, which really comes in handy when I'm changing her diaper. She's at the stage where she wrestles with me the whole time. The only way I can get her to keep still is to sing. I do the ABCs and also Itsy Bitsy Spider except I make him crawl up her face and make the rain trickle down her face. She totally digs it. You should try it with Monty.
ReplyDeleteI think it's awesome when they start crawling and especially walking. I never understand when people say negative things about it like it's more work for me. I thank God every time I walk out to the van and Ana trails behind me. It's nice not to have to carry her everywhere.
And yes! That boy is big! What does your doctor say? Did he say to cut him off or just feed him until he's full? He might just need it. We sometimes have to offer Ana 10 things before she'll eat something for dinner and then she eats what seems like enough for a baby mouse. But, she's developing perfectly. I think babies are all smarter than we are, they know what they need, even if it seems weird to us.