
February 8, 2010

Friday, February 12th

Friday, February 12th is the day that I will be induced if I don't go into labor beforehand. I'm still keeping up hope that Monty will make his own arrival before then.

Our decision to get induced was based on a couple different things. One, Monty is getting bigger everyday, and the longer I wait - the higher the chances are that I could need an emergency c-section because he is just to big to be delivered. Two, I just can't go forever. Mentally I think I'm breaking down a bit, and I'm getting very uncomfortable doing everyday things.

I hate the thought of getting induced, but I hate the thought of getting induced 2 weeks later, laboring for hours and then having to go for an emergency c-section even more. I still have 3 days to go into labor naturally, and I plan to do every thing possible that I can to help the process along. Please keep Monty and I in your thoughts and prayers that everything will go alright.


  1. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you guys as you get closer to the induction date. I can't wait to see pics of the little guy!

  2. Thanks Meghan! I'll try to post some pictures as soon as I can after Monty arrives. It might be a few days though....I'm not sure how easy it will be to handle everything :-)

  3. I can realate (maybe a bit too much) for I have been induced 1 week after my original due date a year ago. I was hoping for natural delivery to start, but ended up being induced, and I'm glad I was! Otherwise we could have been facing a cesarean.
    I wish you the best of luck and congratulations! You are already a mom, and you are going to meet your little one so soon!
