
February 26, 2010

2 Weeks Old, And a Long List of Questions

We had our 2 week appointment today and it went pretty well. He grew an inch, and is only 1 ounce away from 9 lbs!! I had a ton of questions, so I thought I would just list them out with their answers.
  1. His skin is peeling. The doctor's answer was....full term and over due babies typically have this problem because the protective layer inside the womb is typically gone by this time. Thus, the first layer of skin usually peels and/or is very dry until the next layer appears. 
  2. Gas, Gas and More Gas!!!! Normal, Normal and More Normal!!!
  3. A "Gunky" Eye. Doctor said.......somewhat normal :-) The tear duct in his right eye hasn't opened yet, so his tears don't drain properly. Doc. said that the majority of babies overcome this by the 4 month landmark. If after that time it doesn't open, surgery may be needed.
  4. Choking while breastfeeding. Normal. Just pat him on the back.
  5. Nipple cream, is it safe for him? Yes, no worries there.
  6. Umbilical Cord. Monty's hasn't fallen off yet, but the doc. said this was just fine and that it will fall off in it's own time.

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