
December 15, 2009

Crunch Time....

So, it's finally sinking in that Monty will be here any day now and well - we still have tons to do!

We have ordered all of the furniture, but not all of it is in yet, and we haven't put any of it together or even started on the baby room!!! OH NO!!

Things have been really crazy lately, and when I say crazy I mean crazy. I moved out to Missouri the week of Thanksgiving, the week after that my brother's house burnt down. It was very sad, and with their 3 kids I offered our house to them until they can figure out something to do. So, my original plan of cleaning the house up, getting small things done (like the baby room) etc. has just been put on the back burner. I am currently living with my parents until my brother and his family can get settled into a new home. There are so many things I need to do though.......

My current to-do list:
  • Finish buying all of the baby things I will need such as the breast pump, cloth diapers, bottles, clothes, swing, stroller......the list could go on forever!
  • Put together ALL of the baby furniture
  • Get our house in VA moved to MO
  • Visit NJ/VA for Christmas
  • Paint a few of the rooms in our MO home
  • Keep looking for a marketing position/job
  • Sell our house in VA
Okay, so the list doesn't seem that long, but each item on the list, is dependent on something else and/or I have to wait a while before it can be done. This move is just getting more complicated everyday. And it's hard holding off on certain things because I really don't want to be doing them after Monty arrives.

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