
November 2, 2009

Cloth vs. Disposable

I am more than confused when it comes to the idea of using cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. I originally was set on using G-Diapers. But after reading more reviews I'm not 100% set on using them.

I did find a good resource page on The Simple Mom that I'm trying to use as my guide as to what I should pick as my final decision.

Their top rated cloth diaper, Bamboozle, runs about $18.50 each on Amazon. If I'm reading the website correct though, it also needs to be paired with a diaper cover, and then have a "doubler" added at night time once Monty is able to sleep through the night, for added protection and absorbency. They also have a great starter kit, that may be what I purchase initially and then make purchases as needed once I figure out how everything is working. The best price I've found so far is on Amazon. They also come with disposable inserts as well, that I would use for times when I go out in public and don't want to carry around a dirty stinky diaper.

Why Cloth Diapers?
  1. After a little research, the average cost of using disposable diapers for one kid is approx. $2000+ while using cloth diapers usually cost about $1,000 if you include the cost of 12 extra loads of laundry per month, dryer use and laundry detergent. See the tech. breakdown here.
  2. Eco-Friendly - One disposable diaper will take over 500 years in a landfill to decompose!
  3. Little Monty's Health! There is tons of research out there that shows the health benefits to using cloth diapers including less diaper rash!
  4. Quicker Potty Training!!!!! There's a big point for you.....on average a baby using cloth diapers will potty train 1 year earlier then a baby using disposable diapers.
Why Disposable Diapers...
  1. Convenience - nobody likes to do MORE laundry then they already have to!
  2. Ease of use - if we decide to send our kid to daycare or get a baby sitter we will have to teach he/she how to use the cloth diapering system.
After all of this, I am of course going to use cloth diapers.....the only final decision is which ones will I get?

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