I did find a good resource page on The Simple Mom that I'm trying to use as my guide as to what I should pick as my final decision.
Their top rated cloth diaper, Bamboozle, runs about $18.50 each on Amazon. If I'm reading the website correct though, it also needs to be paired with a diaper cover, and then have a "doubler" added at night time once Monty is able to sleep through the night, for added protection and absorbency. They also have a great starter kit, that may be what I purchase initially and then make purchases as needed once I figure out how everything is working. The best price I've found so far is on Amazon. They also come with disposable inserts as well, that I would use for times when I go out in public and don't want to carry around a dirty stinky diaper.

- After a little research, the average cost of using disposable diapers for one kid is approx. $2000+ while using cloth diapers usually cost about $1,000 if you include the cost of 12 extra loads of laundry per month, dryer use and laundry detergent. See the tech. breakdown here.
- Eco-Friendly - One disposable diaper will take over 500 years in a landfill to decompose!
- Little Monty's Health! There is tons of research out there that shows the health benefits to using cloth diapers including less diaper rash!
- Quicker Potty Training!!!!! There's a big point for you.....on average a baby using cloth diapers will potty train 1 year earlier then a baby using disposable diapers.
- Convenience - nobody likes to do MORE laundry then they already have to!
- Ease of use - if we decide to send our kid to daycare or get a baby sitter we will have to teach he/she how to use the cloth diapering system.
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