
November 4, 2009

Everybody's Sleeping...

Except Me!!!

So, for the last few nights I find myself with a sudden burst of energy coming around 10:00 or 10:30 pm. I know that women in their 2nd trimester experience extra energy, but I just wish mine was during the day or morning rather then at night.

Mentally I'm wide awake, but also find myself slightly bored. Matt is of course sleeping, Nelson and Dexi are snoring away and I find myself just wanting to talk or do something simple into the weeee hours of the night. Sadly not even Nelson is willing to spend it with me, unless he can do it while sleeping on my lap.

I've even grown tired of surfing the internet! Last night I was so bored (and wide awake) that I almost made Fettuccine Alfredo. Here it was, past midnight, and I'm getting out the pots and pans to make a complete dinner. I thankfully came to my senses and decided that cooking a second dinner at 1 in the morning wasn't the best idea.

Hmmm....what shall I do tonight?

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