
October 24, 2009

6 Months Along....

So, I had my 6 month appointment yesterday and everything went really well. The doctors are still saying that I am looking perfect and right on track for everything. I got my first belly measurement at the office. They measure from below the belly to above the belly vertically while lying down (which makes you as skinny as possible :-), and I measured in at 24 inches.

So I guess my baby bump is 2 feet long from top to bottom....

We got to hear Monty's heartbeat, which is always nice. However, the little bugger is always on the move so it always takes some patience from both myself and the nurse to get him to settle down so that we can hear it correctly. If he is moving at all then it sounds a lot like swishing white noise. She gave up at one point, gave him a second to settle and tried again. She set the heart monitor thingy gently down and tried not to move, and I'm not joking - he kicked it as hard as he could. He actually kicked so hard that it startled the nurse and made her jump.

Monty must be a Kung-Fu-Fighter....

On another note, I did get my swine flu shot. I got lucky in the fact that the doctors office had just received their "stash" of the H1N1 vaccines that morning, and they only had 100 to give out. So I was very lucky to get it because it was first come first served, and the doctors office has about 500 patients total according to my doctor.

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