
August 5, 2009


So, in the past couple of weeks my sleeping habits have changed. In the beginning I would wake up once or twice and make a trip to the bathroom. Now, I'm having problems falling asleep, and then staying asleep. I wake up at least 6+ times a night. Half for bathroom breaks, and the other half because I wake up starving, and can't go back to sleep until I've filled my stomach with something. The hard part about eating in the middle of the night is that I can't just lie back down, otherwise I get sick. So, after I'm done eating my mid-night snack I try to sit up for at least another 30 minutes or so.

Another change is that my dreams are insanely realistic. They typically take place about a week ahead of the current date/time, and I find myself wanting to sleep longer so that I can figure out "how the story ends." I can also, wake up, remember the entire dream, and then continue the dream when I fall back asleep if I want to.

I also find myself nodding-off around 7 pm or so - how insanely early is that? I am constantly trying to force myself to stay awake so that I don't stay up extra late.

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