
August 11, 2009

That Pesky Brown Line...

Fourteen weeks out and I have gotten that pesky little brown line trailing up my tummy, fading away at my belly button. It's called a linea nigra. The "line" is supposed to be the center point between the left and right side of your abs, that starts to seperate as your belly grows. When it first appeared, I was probably 12 weeks along and I kept blaming it on my underwear or pants leaving a mark on my lower tummy. I guess I have officially gotten that classic badge of pregnancy. Unlike stretch marks, the "line" disappears shortly after giving birth so I'm not very worried about the line.

The "line" didn't come as a big surprise to me because I have been experiencing a lot of slight cramps, and pulling lately. This is called round ligament pain in the lower abdomen, and doesn't really seem to be something to worry about. I feel the sharp pain consistently throughout the day, but its something that once you feel it, it's gone again. I find myself either touching my belly or just letting out a sigh when it happens, but that is all.

Both of these symptoms just mean that the baby is growing which makes me feel happy about whats happening both on the inside and outside, and makes the idea of having a baby a little more realistic.

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