
January 19, 2011

It's Been Toooooo Long....

I'm awful. I haven't been updating the blog nearly enough. This is mostly due to my latest phase in life - exhaustion. Between working, raising a little boy, training a new puppy and never getting all the housework done, I'm just plain tired. I've recently taken up the new habit of falling asleep on the couch between 8:30 and 9:00, and then waking up and stumbling to bed. How do working mom's do it? I am perplexed.

Enough of my whining though. Monty is still as great as ever. His latest achievements are dancing, opening drawers he shouldn't be in, lifting up the toilet lid to play in the water (YUCK!), playing with the dog, playing "can't catch me" at an incredible speed and still eating more then what is humanly possible. He is also going through this phase of fake-crying when he doesn't get his way. Oh well, I guess it's better he learns now rather then later. He's not walking yet, but he's getting close. He will walk on his knees, walk behind push toys and stand alone. I was originally hoping he would walk by his first birthday but I don't think that will happen. Only time will tell. He now has four top teeth and two bottom teeth - which come in handy for all that eating that he does. When we eat out now I always have to get him his own meal, otherwise I don't get to eat mine. Anyone heard of family night, when kids eat free? That's my new fav.

Soon I'll be doing his one year old pictures, so you can look forward to that, and his birthday is just around the corner - YIKES!

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