
November 22, 2010

A Quick Update

Sorry, I've been a little absent lately. Things have been just a little crazy around the house since I started working. Monty has been doing really well with the whole babysitter gig. He really is a people person, so seeing the babysitter each morning actually brings a smile to his face. He absolutely loves her, which has left me feeling NOT-GUILTY about leaving him. My little man hasn't even cried once when I've dropped him off. He usually forgets about me instantly and starts playing with her instead. I am a little sad that he doesn't seem to miss me, lol. But I will take that any day over him crying when I leave.

Posts in your near future......Thanksgiving Day Outfit, Thanksgiving with the Family and Monty's 9 Month Update!

1 comment:

  1. That is so good to hear that he is liking the babysitter so much! I remember sitting in the car crying one day when I dropped Caleb off at daycare because he cried when I left him. They said he always stopped after I left, but it didn't make me feel better since I didn't get to see it. But then again, he didn't do that at the daycare in Arlington. There was a lady there in the morning that he absolutely loved. I guess it depends more on who you leave them with rather than the fact that you're leaving them.
