Monty is a typical (little) man when it comes to the pain. Doesn't handle it well - at all! I've decided to share what actually works for us in hopes that maybe it will help someone that is also in my current situation. It's taken me two teeth and one on the way to figure this out.
First we'll start with the signs of teething
- Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
- Gum swelling and sensitivity
- Irritability or fussiness
- Biting behavior
- Refusing food
- Sleep problems
Things that should work, but don't
- Baby Orajel (day or night formula)
- Cold/wet washcloth
- Cold teething rings
- Frozen fruit
- Teething tablets
- Baby Tylenol
- Cold (refrigerated not frozen) fruit such as watermelon or cantaloupe
- Hard plastic or wooden toys to chew on
Now, please don't automatically think that all the things I listed above are going to work or not work for your little one. Every baby is different! But, if your struggling you may try focusing on teething tablets during the day, some baby tylenol at night and some cold fruit as a snack when they don't want to drink their bottle. The other methods have to have some credibility because they have worked for most babies for the past hundred years.
Did you know that drinking from a bottle actually makes teething worse? I didn't for the longest time and couldn't figure out why he would refuse to eat. He will happily take a bottle now, after a little relief of course.
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