Well Monty has decided that he doesn't need a bottle anymore. What? You might ask. Don't babies usually have to be weaned off their bottle, and you spend countless nights with them screaming because they want their bottle? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm also not ready for Monty to be taking this step. All he wants is food. Real food. The kind that I eat, my husband eats, what grandma eats, what complete strangers eat and I might even push as far as what the dog eats. The kid is honestly turning down his bottle. Yesterday he turned down THREE bottles. He only ate his morning bottle and bedtime bottle. Does anyone else find this odd? Now, I of course didn't starve the kid. He ate two complete baby food meals during the day, and drank two full sippy cups - then ate my food when we went out to dinner.
I'm a little worried that he isn't going to get the nutrition he needs from just normal food. So, today I put formula in his sippy cup hoping he would drink it (which he did), and I've switched him from two "real" meals a day, to three meals a day. That's right, my son is eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. Along with snacks of course!
I'm hoping that he is just getting his two top teeth in, and that's why he is turning down his bottle. But who knows......I talked to a women in the baby food section today that has a 9 month old going through the same thing right now. She could tell that I was struggling trying to pick out a chicken/beef/turkey etc. dinner. I just rarely buy baby food because I make about 95% of it myself, but before I go cooking and pureeing real meat and veg. for him I want to make sure he'll actually eat it. So, two half-sized jars of chicken later I walked away hoping that he'll actually eat them.
Once he get's his two top teeth I think I'm going to just start cutting all the food up into small pieces and let him chase it around his tray.
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