
August 12, 2010


Do you think Monty is too young to dress up for Halloween? I just don't know. He obviously can't eat any of the candy or walk door-to-door screaming "Trick-or-Treat". I'm torn. Do I really need to spend the money buying him a costume? Just so I can take pictures of him in it and get a good laugh or two.

Will I regret not getting him dressed up for his first Halloween?

Onto my next point. Costumes are REALLY expensive! I found this Monster costume and instantly fell in love. But it's $50!!!!

But isn't it cute! And, so tempting :-)
 I also like the Yoda costume, but we're not really Star Wars fans. I just think it's cute. 


1 comment:

  1. Those are SOOOO cute! Doesn't it make you wish you had twins so you could use both? haha!
