I finally did it! I read the whole book, All 759 pages of it. In my past life this would have been a normal occurrence, but with Monty around this is a huge accomplishment.
The book was fairly decent. A few slow parts here and there that were hard to get through, but overall it was worth the time and effort. It easily could have been broken up into three maybe four books, but I'm not complaining because that just saves me the effort of trying to find and/or buy a whole bunch of books.
It took me sooo long to read it because I was checking it out at the library. They have a rule that you can't check it out more then twice in a row, so I would have to return it and then go back and get it the next day. That day turned into a couple of months, lol. But I finally checked it out again and was determined to finish it before I had to return it AGAIN!
Good job! I've been taking a long time with Count of Monte Cristo too. Hopefully I'll finish it before the year is over, haha!