
March 19, 2010

When He Cries, I Pour

Monty's cry will make my boobs leak. And I'm not talking about a little bit.....I'm saying that it's uncontrollable. I wish I could somehow get all of it into a bottle but I don't think that's possible. 

I heard about this when I was in my breastfeeding class, but I wasn't a true believer until now. It's absolutely amazing to me how much his cry can affect me. It happens most at night time, when I go the longest without feeding him. It really isn't fun. I can remember looking down one night and realizing that my shirt was completely soaked because Monty got super upset one night when I was changing his diaper.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I've thought about trying LilyPadz or a Milk Saver but I'm not sure if they'll work or not. Both seem like great options - one stops the leaking all together and the other collects all of the milk, but I'd like a personal opinion from someone that has used either one.

Any one out there have this same problem that found a solution?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I never did have this problem. I do leak, but it's not a lot, and hardly at all now that Ana is older. I just use those washable cotton breast pads in my bra. I got them at Babies R Us. Your body is probably trying to regulate itself still, so I wouldn't be surprised if you stop leaking so much soon.
