I've decided that I'm just going to list the things that I find important and that all this nonsense about 10 page birth plans is just ridiculous and crazy. Who thinks a nurse is going to read that anyway? Plus the pure fact that if anything is going to go wrong, I would rather them discuss any options with me instead of referring to my birth plan.
My Birth Plan in a Nutshell
People/Visitors- I would like my husband to stay with me at all times possible
- I would like to allow family members to visit
- I do not want any students in the room while I'm giving birth
- I want to participate in "nap time" between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm, which will allow only my husband and baby in my room during that time period
- I prefer intermittent rather than continuous fetal monitoring, if possible
Anesthesia/Pain Relief
- Please do not offer pain medication, I will ask for it if I want it
- I have pre-filled out all anesthesia paperwork and I am educated in the choices that are available
- I want to be free to move or walk around as much as possible
- I would like to eat ice chips and drink water if possible
- I want to wear contact lenses unless it is not possible due to a c-section
- I would like coaching on when and when not to push
- I would like to try natural methods of movement/position before using Pitocin
- I would like to avoid a c-section, unless absolutely necessary
- I would like to be part of the decision process
- I would like my husband in the room if a c-section is necessary
- I'd like to use a labor ball
- I'd like to try a squatting bar
- I would like the baby placed on my chest soon after delivery
- I would prefer to pee on my own instead of using a catheter
- I would like my husband to cut the umbilical cord
- I would like to allow time for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is cut so the baby gets all remaining cord blood
- I would like to have my baby circumcised before we leave the hospital
- I do not want to be separated from my baby during newborn procedures (when possible)
- I want my husband to be with the baby if I cannot be there
- I plan to breastfeed the baby exclusively
- I would like to meet with a lactation consultant while at the hospital
- I would like to begin nursing soon after birth
- I do not want my baby to be given a pacifier, formula or sugar water
You have put up so many posts in the last week or so!! I'll comment on more later, but I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't worry if Monty doesn't seem all that interested in eating at the hospital. Ana went almost a whole day without eating. I would try and feed her every 30-60 minutes, but she just wasn't interested. She just wanted to sleep. This was the case with Caleb also. But with Caleb, the nurses made me feel bad and I ended up letting them give him formula. But with Ana, the nurse said "I guess she just isn't hungry." And so I didn't let her have formula, and eventually she got hungry.
ReplyDeleteYou might think that the nurses know better than you because they are around newborns all the time. But they don't know YOUR baby better than you. Trust your instincts and don't let them make you feel bad or talk you into something you're not comfortable with.
Thanks for the advice Marie! That's good to know about breastfeeding because I probably would have just done what the nurses told me to do. I've already talked with a lactation consultant at the hospital and she said she would stop by when I deliver to make sure everything is going okay, so that makes me feel a little better.