
January 16, 2010

Packing While Unpacking

So, It's official. We are now Missourians. My husband arrived here on Wednesday, and we have been unpacking ever since. We moved from a rather large home, to a much smaller home and are now paying the price. Even though we have been unpacking things for a few days now, it doesn't seem like we've really made a dent into the large piles of boxes and furniture in every room of the house. At this point in the pregnancy I'm having problems finding the energy to unpack non-stop like I would have under normal conditions which is making this process longer then what it would normally be.

We do have some rooms nearly finished or done. Those include the bathroom, kitchen and our bedroom. Which functionally we had to do first. Right now we are working on trying to clear out Monty's room, but its very unnerving to see it packed floor to ceiling with random boxes and my husband's tools. Yes that's right, somehow during the move in, the baby room was deemed the tool room which has left boxes too heavy for me to even push across the floor. I feel bad for my husband having to lift all of the heavy boxes himself - although it definitely is better then me going into labor.

Once we get Monty's room finished, I will feel very relieved. Although we would still have A LOT of unpacking to do, having our bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and baby room set up will make me happy, and due to our circumstances we will be able to function somewhat normally, and not have to be stepping over boxes to make it from room to the next.

Unpacking our house is top priority right now, but there is also another high priority. Packing the hospital bag! I will be 37 weeks tomorrow, which is terrifying based on the state of our house and lack of baby room, but packing a hospital bag is something I hope to get finished if not this evening, then tomorrow so that we will be all ready to go if the time comes. I haven't really had any contractions, maybe one or two, when I was probably pushing myself to hard working on the house. Since those minor instances, I've started taking it much easier and have been giving myself plenty of excuses to take breaks throughout the day.

My Hospital Bag Packing List:
  • personal information such as id, insurance card etc.
  • bathrobe/slippers
  • eyeglasses/contact solution etc.
  • toothbrush/toothpaste
  • deodorant
  • hair brush
  • maybe some makeup - I doubt I'll be worrying about that while I'm in the hospital though
  • camera/batteries
  • clothes/shoes for myself
  • clothes for Monty
  • carseat
  • baby blanket
  • change for vending machines (for hubby of course)
I'm sure I'm missing something from the list, but I think it will work for the two days I'll be staying in the hospital.  Keep your fingers crossed I don't go into labor any time soon!

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