
January 11, 2010

The Epidural Interview

Today I went for my "epidural interview" at the hospital, and pre-filled out all of my paperwork so that when the time comes I wont have to hassle with a clip board and pen while in labor. What a great idea, right? Well, I thought so until I got to the epidural part. I met with the anesthesiologist, went over paperwork, filled out all the forms I needed and answered lots and lots of questions. All was going very well until it came time to watch the video..........wahaha (evil laughing). This is when my past came back to haunt me.

The video was awful! First, I wasn't mentally prepared for this, and it was nothing like I had envisioned it. Then, a few minutes into the video I started feeling VERY nauseous and lightheaded. It just wasn't fun. Luckily, I pulled myself together (after closing my eyes and trying not to think about it), and after a few minutes in the cold fresh air outside - I felt much better.

Just for your information, I went ahead and found a video on Epidurals to give you an idea of what it looks like and how the procedure is done.

I haven't planned on using an epidural, and I still don't - however, I went ahead and filled out all of the information just in case we ran into complications (such as a c-section) where I would have to get one anyway and/or the event that labor is just to much for me to handle and I decide to do it. Better safe then sorry I guess. I do think its sad that the thought of an epidural bothers me more then actually giving birth.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I had that done to me and I still could NOT watch that video!! Way too much information! But, it'll be great when I'm in labor for the next kid. I'll watch it and have the courage to go natural again! And I don't think it's sad that you're more concerned about the epidural. Makes total sense to me. Giving birth is natural and having a needle stuck up your spine isn't.

    I highly recommend going natural. It hurts like hell, but things will go by more quickly. Especially if Monty is like Caleb and doesn't take well to the Pitocin. They couldn't give it to me after I got the epidural and my labor slowed down significantly. It took 12 more hours to get him out even though I was at 7 cm when I got the epidural.

    I'm so excited that you're so far along! Seems like just yesterday I was chatting online about you wanting to get pregnant!
