
September 25, 2009

The Baby is Kicking!!!

So, over the past week I've noticed a huge increase in the activity of the baby. I used to be able to notice a slight movement, if I was laying down perfectly still and concentrating on the baby. Now, I can feel the baby moving in just about any position that I'm in. (Just as a side note, the picture is not my belly, just a stock image I got off the internet)

He is most active at night, after dinner. I can feel him pretty regularly now, and he is getting a few strong kicks in here and there. He has even made me jump a few times with some super strong kicks.

I had my 5 month check up this week and everything is still going really well. The doctor doesn't have any concerns right now, and always says that we are right on track with my weight gain and belly size. At the last ultrasound we found out that our little baby boy is slightly larger then the normal size, but right on track when it comes to developing.

The average baby at the time of our ultrasound should have been between 7 and 8 ounces, while little Mr. Facas was 10 ounces - so he is heading slightly ahead in his weight class. This makes me feel a little better about my own weight gain, plus the fact that I have a pretty good idea that due to both Matt and I's size, the baby is going to be a little larger then average anyway.

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