
August 26, 2009

Our 4 Month Appointment...

The appointment went very well. We got to listen to the babies heartbeat, and visited with Dr. Walker (which was our first meeting, and turned out to be very entertaining talking about old sports injuries ((she was very young and played bball in college)) she also has bad knees :-) the heart rate was 168 beats per minute and was very strong.

We found out that all the testing they did last time turned out perfect, we have no concerns right now; the statistics they gave us say that we have about a 1 in 10,000 chance of having any problems with the baby - which is the best "score" you can get. I do have to go to a follow up appointment to get more blood work done - bummer I know, but I think knowing that everything is doing great is worth it.

I lost one pound! I know that should be a bad thing, but its sorta nice that I've stopped gaining at such an insane rate. Dr. Walker was not concerned about this, and says that fluctuations in weight are normal. I just think I stored up some extra fat in the beginning and the baby has now eaten it, lol.

She did prescribe me some medicine for migraines which I"m not sure if I will use yet, although I have been getting a lot of headaches lately. When I say a lot, I really mean I get one headache and it lasts for days. They are not horrible, I would say about medium to low intensity, but the problem is that they just don't go away, so towards the 3 day mark I start to get really irritable. She assured me that this is normal, and that if I feel like it, I can take the medicine she prescribed to me since Tylenol hasn't helped at all. I hate the idea of taking any more medicine since I'm already on anti-nausea meds, but I'm also hoping to get off of those soon.

My Nausea.

Knock on wood, I haven't been sick for 3 days now. Although, I'm not 100% sure if its because I'm fully into the second trimester when things are supposed to get better, or because I've been insanely crazy about taking my medicine. At this point, I wake up in the middle of the night to take it, to help alleviate being sick in the mornings, and then always take it on-time or slightly early to avoid getting sick.

My Belly at 16 Weeks/4 Months

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