
August 17, 2009

My New iPhone...

So, as an early birthday present Matt gave me a new white iPhone 3G-S. So I've spent most of my evening sorting through different applications (apps) to add onto my new phone. I came across several pregnancy apps, and after doing a little research I decided to try iPregnancy.

Most of the features were standard when comparing them to the other pregnancy apps, but there is one feature that stood out "the baby name picker" - I absolutely love this feature. It works at random, and when you give it a shake, it will spin through possible baby names and land on one. Kinda like playing a baby name slot machine. Matt and I have a pretty good idea of the names we like (James & River), but in the 2 minutes I spent shacking it I found a middle name that we both really liked - James Anderson Facas. We have been struggling to find a boys middle name that we both agree on, and this one just seems to fit.

Other features that the app has include: current gestational age in days/weeks/months, progress bar based on trimester, 3-D picture of the baby at current age, baby info including size/weight/current facts etc, baby name picker, doctor visit calendar tool, and doctor/hospital info storage that is easily accessible. Overall its just a handy tool.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love your blog!! You rock my monkey!
