So, after talking to one of my old friends (thanks Sarah!), she recommended doing the needle/thread/pencil trick. You take a needle, thread it and then stick the needle into the eraser on the pencil, and hold it lead-side down over the belly. If it swings up and down you are having a boy, if it goes in circles then you are having a girl.
So, after searching the house for a pencil and a needle w/thread, Matt and I tried it out! And according to the pencil we are having a BOY!!
Then I researched old-wives tales a little further and found another needle/thread trick as well. It has the same basic principles just without the pencil, and instead of putting the needle over the belly, you hold it over your left hand. This time we got circles, which means were having a GIRL!!
So, who knows what were having. We should find out for real on September 14th!
Every Facas out there knows we are having a boy. That's what we do. I will be happy with either as long as it is clearly one or the other.