As part of explaining what she does (it is a little hard to grasp), she had us all Cleanse our Chakra. Now there is

So, of course I asked......."Am I having a boy or a girl?"
To give everyone a little back story, Matt and I originally wanted twins, one boy and one girl. Since we already know we are only having one baby, Matt has decided he wants a boy, however I would like a girl.
So after I ask my question, two babies appear (in my mind/dream) and they are bickering between eachother. One a boy, James, and one a girl, River. They then explain to me that they were supposed to be twins, and met in the very beginning when Matt and I decided to try to start having a baby. But then, "their boss" (God) decided that it wasn't going to work out, and only one of them would get to become our first baby. First they decided to let Mom and Dad (Matt and I) decide. But because we both can't pick one or the other, the decision lies on them. So they have been bickering ever since. They also inform me, that they are both still destined to come to Matt and I, so baby number two will arrive one year later because that is what they were promised when they couldn't come at the same time.
Their personalities were complete opposites. River (girl), was excited and impatient, and I got the impression that she was a "new soul". Which is why she just couldn't wait to come to earth, and thought that she should get to come first. James however, was an older soul and had been to earth many times. He didn't remember his past lives, but was very mature and calm, and felt that he should come first so that he can watch over River when she arrives one year later.
This is when they started bickering again.......and like the mom I am (or going to be) I had to hush both of them. They both started to become in patient at that point, and River acted out, by going into my belly and kicking/punching as much as she could. Then she got really upset when I told her that I couldn't feel anything she was doing. James then piped in reminding her of everything he has taught her about being a baby in the womb.
That is when I caught a glimpse of how they can have control over what I do. The cravings, the hot flashes, peeing, getting sick and how they both thought it was very funny to do these things to me.......I then proceeded to scorn them, and told them "that is not nice" and that "I don't appreciate what you two have been doing".............they both decided that they were giving me too much information and that it was time to leave.
I asked quickly again - which of you will I see first! Then I caught a glimpse of River as a newborn, she smiled......then it all went away.
So with a giggle, they both said - "Oh, and mom, you are starving and have to pee!" then left. Then I instantly woke up. I sat straight up, and realized that I was starving, and if I didn't find a bathroom in about 2 seconds that I might pee myself.
So, whether this was one of those crazy dreams that pregnant women get or an acutal experience, I dont entirely know. But, I do know it was very interesting, and I couldn't help but to share, even if it makes me sound a little crazy.
Everyone had a different experience. And I later found out, that what seemed like I was sleeping for an eternity, turned out to just be a few minutes. So I sat there with my story to tell everyone (a little impatient), for at least another 30 minutes because everyone stayed in their "state" for a very long time.
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